The Friends of the Michigan Tech Library will hold their 2021 Annual Meeting on Thursday, 21 October 2021 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. on Zoom. All are encouraged to attend.
The FMTL Annual Meeting will consist of a very short business meeting followed by a presentation by speaker Faith A. Morrison who recently retired from Michigan Tech after 30 years of teaching, scholarship, and service.

Morrison’s presentation at the Annual Meeting centers on issues addressed in her recent book Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers & Scientists (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Measurements form the backbone of scientific and engineering discovery and understanding, but no measurement value is known with 100% confidence: equipment limitations, random events, and calibration issues all conspire to make it difficult sometimes to interpret the meaning of a measurement. Uncertainty analysis is the process by which data-takers face, assess, and continuously improve the reliability of their measurements. Knowing at least a little bit about uncertainty analysis would be good for everyone—it would help us to better understand decisions made with numbers, such as those used to determine the healthfulness of what we eat and drink or the efficacy of medicines and vaccines.